Read the Bible Yourself


221. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 6 October 1992 at 10:50 PM. in Spanish.

The mile is far. The mile, the Day you run the mile toward your God is the Day you will save yourself. I want you to run. I want you to look for your God. The One which made the World, Heaven, the Stars, with My Son Jesus, your Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

This is your Father. The One that is speaking with Pure and Clean Lips. Look, you have to run the mile for your God. Then you have to run two miles for your God. Then you have to run three miles towards your God. The mile of your God, your God loves you with all the Love of Heaven, of the World, of the Stars, with the Love of God. You have to look for your God; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Did you hear Me? You have to run the mile. The Day has arrived of the mile. Open your eyes. Open your ears and look for your brothers in the street. Run the mile for your sons, for your brothers, for your family. Run toward your God. The One which made everything with the Son and the Holy Spirit. The mile of your God, is the mile that will save you. And you have to save your brothers and sisters and your family. Open the Bible and read the Word of your God; with the eyes of your God; with the ears of your God. The Holy Spirit will help you, but you have to run the mile.

Did you hear Me? The mile of your God, if you have hunger open the Bible. The Bible will give you the Food of your God, with the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Day has arrived of the Bible. The Day has arrived of the Word of your God. Lift the Bible, read the Word of your God, and I will show you the manner of your God, the manner of My Son your Christ, the manner of the Holy Spirit.

In that way, you will grow, and you will know Me, with My Son, and the Holy Spirit. But you have to open the Bible, and you have to read it, with your eyes open, with your ears open, looking for your God. For your God told you, and you did it because your God told you to open your Bible. For the Day has arrived of the Word of your God. Did you hear Me? My Sons and Daughters, the Ones which have hunger to know the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

It has arrived, the Day of the Bible, and I want you to run the mile. The mile with the sweat of your God, with the sweat of My Son, with the sweat of the Holy Spirit, run the mile with the Bible. Run the mile with the Bible and show your sons, your daughters, your brothers, sisters and everyone that you know that have a hunger to know God. The One which made the World, the Stars, Heaven.

This is your Father. The One that made everything with the Word of God. With the Son and the Holy Spirit, with the Love of your God, I tell you the truth. Run the mile! Look for your God with the Bible, and in that way the Holy Spirit will show you the straight, the clean, and the correct way with the sweat of the hunger to know your God. I want you to pick up your Cross, and run the mile. Look for the Sheep and the Seeds, everyone that loves their God, with the Love of the Holy Spirit, with the Love of Christ, with the Love of the Father. Happy Greetings My Sons, My Daughters. Happy Greetings. 


562. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 11 September 1994 at 10:08 AM. in English.

Point your nose into the Bible, and pray, and pray, and pray. For the Bible will reveal inter secrets that were never known before. For you are approaching the end times, and the same Bible that you have been reading for centuries with the same Words will reveal inter secrets of the end times. But you have to study it with the Eyes of God, with the Manner of God. You have to kill the theology of man, the religion of man, and study the Bible completely. And it will reveal to you the wonders of the Father Jehovah, the Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and of the Holy Spirit.

For the man of today has hopped and skipped all over the Bible, and this hopping and skipping has blinded them. For they can't see the true Word of God. THIS MUST STOP TODAY!! Read the Bible completely and in its entirety. From the beginning to end, and it will reveal to you secrets of the end times in ways and manners that you never knew. Stop listening to the leadership and read the Bible. Read the Word of God. For the leadership will lead you to the pit.

You have two eyes; you have two ears; you have the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will open your eyes, and your ears to the truth, the REAL TRUTH of the Father, of the Son, of the Holy Spirit. Remember My Words, "The leadership will send you in the wrong direction." This is your Father, Jehovah, the I am, I am, I am, with the Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, with the Holy Spirit, the Counselor, the Provider. Open the Bible and do as I say today.

For you are running out of time. If you want to save yourself and your family clean your mind of what the established churches have said to you. Read your Bible. Read the Word of your God, with a clean, with and open, with a sincere mind, with the Heart of God. The Holy Spirit will guide you word by word, passage by passage, chapter to chapter, to the Presence of the Lord, to the Throne Room of God. Remember if you follow the leadership you will miss the Train to Heaven, you will miss the Ark. Remember Noah? Noah obeyed. Noah was saved. This is the Word of your Father Jehovah, with the Son and the Holy Spirit, giving you the advice of Heaven, on this date, on this time.

For the times ahead are the trials and tribulations of the Antichrist, and he will slaughter you and butcher you, and torture you, for you are not equipped. The Body of My Son has ignored My Sheep, My Lamps, for hundreds of years and it must stop today. READ THE BOOK, THE BOOKS OF THE GOSPEL. Read the Old Testaments. Read the Words of the old Prophets. Read the Word of Jehovah. For I haven't changed. I am the same today as I was yesterday.

Don't worry about the leadership for I am going to straighten them out. Mark My Words! I WILL STRAIGHTEN THEM OUT! Through the trials, through the tribulations. Remember the Words of Jehovah, "The same today as yesterday." With the Love of My Son, with the Love of the Holy Spirit I give you this message from Heaven.


225. Prophecy and Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 14 October 1992 at 1:37 PM. in English and Non-understandable tongues.

Supper. The supper. I want you to eat supper and rest. I want you to think of the things that I have told you. Go to your room, then I want you to think with your heart, with your mind, with your spirit, about all of the Prophecies that I have given you. Don't talk with anyone, just think. I want you to eat all the Words, with your mind, with your heart, with your spirit. I want My Words to touch you. I want you to think, with all that you have, with all of the Words that I have given you, with the Prophecies.

Did you hear Me? I want you to eat your supper and rest. Go to your room and THINK! Sit in your chair, the one you like. The one which is comfortable and pray and pray, with your heart, with your tears, to your God. I want you to ask him of the Prophecies; if they're correct, if they're wrong, if they're made of the Word of God. Did you hear Me? Open the door of  your room and sit down and pray and pray. Then THINK, THINK of the Word of your God, of the Prophecies.

For you're going to have to STUDY. You're going to have to learn the manner of your God. You're going to have to know what to do. For the things that are going to come in the future are going to be very hard. And you're going to have to know what to do. You have to know the Word of your God. For the day is going to come, and it's going to frighten you, the manner of the devil, the manner of the world.

If you enter into your room and read the Bible and study the Prophecies, if you seek My Son Jesus with the Force of the Holy Spirit, My Word will touch you, in your heart, in your spirit, in your mind. Hear Me, My Sons and Daughters! This is your Father. The One which made everything with the Word. I am telling you the correct manner, the righteous manner. For I am straight, and I say the truth.

Study the Bible, study the Prophecies, study and pray and pray and pray until your tears come from your heart, from your spirit. For if the tears hit you, I will touch you with the Holy Spirit that's there, with you in that room, in that chair with My Son. I will touch you with My Finger. I will touch you with My Lips; with the Love of your God; with all the Love that's good; with all the Love that's well; with the Love of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Look for Me. Look for Me with your mind. Look for Me with your heart. Look for Me with your spirit, and I will Hug you and I will Kiss you, and I will Protect you. For you're My Sheep, My Seed and I love you with all of My Love, and I don't want anyone to hit you. I don't want anyone to do you wrong for you are Mine. For you looked for Me, with your TEARS, with your HEART, with your SPIRIT, and with your MIND.

You knocked on the door and I opened it, and I Hugged you, and I gave you Kisses on top of your face. For you are Mine and I am going to protect you from the devil. I will protect you from everything that is bad, but you have to look for Me. I am here in front of your nose. You just have to reach out your hands and I will Hug you and I will Kiss you. Did you hear Me, My Sheep, My Seed, My Beloved? I am your God, the One which made everything with My Word; the Stars; the World; all that you See; all that you Touch; all that is Good; all that is of God.

If you knew how much I loved you with My Heart, the two of Us would cry with the Love of Heaven. For I love you so much with tears, I tell you the truth. Read the Bible. Look for My Son Jesus, with the Force of the Holy Spirit. The Three which are One will Hug you. We will Kiss you. We will take you to Heaven with Us to live.

This is your Father, that tells you the Word of Heaven; That tells you the Word of My Son; That tells you the Word of the Holy Spirit; That tells you the Word of Love. For I Love you so much. Study the Bible. Show your sons and daughter, your brothers and sisters, your father and mother, everyone that lives around you. The ones which you know. The ones which you don't know. The ones which are sick. The ones which are old. The ones which live in the street. The ones which are suffering. The ones which need to hear the Word of God.

Study the Bible, and show them that your God Loves you with all of His Heart; That He is alive; That He is there with the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Did you hear Me My Sons, My Sheep? This is your Father, the One which made everything with My Word.


937. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on the 13 August 1996 at 12:42 PM. in Spanish.

Shoe, shoe, put on your shoes for you have to run. You have to run and hide yourself. You believe that these Words are nothing, but put them on your calendar. For if you don't put on your shoes and run, you are going to have to run without shoes, and it's going to be harder.

Reymundo is going to tell you - Things- in the coming months. Things - that you are not going to believe. I know, because even My Reymundo isn't going to believe them. But it is going to be the Truth and to the Point. The Things that I tell you are going to become more clear day by day. But - at first you are not going to understand what I am telling you, but what I tell you is the Truth.

My Son is going to come - and the Day that He is going to come is very close. And still most of the Body of My Son are asleep. They are playing CHURCH and they believe they are in My Hands, but I am going to frighten them, with the Word of My Son, with the Word of the Father, with the Word of the Holy Spirit. The day of playing church has to stop!

In all of the previous Prophecies, I have told you that you needed to read the Bible - YOU ALONE - with the Force of the Holy Spirit. But what do you do? You point your ears on the men who think they know what the Bible says. I don't want you to point your ears into what you believe - That these men believe. I want you to point your own nose into these pages YOURSELF, for the men who believe they know it all - are BLIND. They don't believe they are blind. But remember from the Bible, that I told you, "That the ones who believe that they know - are going to be blind and the ones who are blind are going to see; everything clearly. Remember that I DID tell you in the Bible. Remember that I DID tell you in this Prophecy.

Things are going to change rapidly. And if you haven't read the Bible from the first page to the last page, you are going to suffer more. And if you believe that these men who believe that they know the Word of God, are going to help you, you are going to suffer. It hurts My Heart, for it is very easy but you are LAZY! You want these men, from the church, to give you everything there in front of you. And all you have to do is hear it, and put it in your mind. That's not the manner of God.

When I left the Holy Spirit, I put It there in your chest so you could speak with Him, there - in your closet with your door closed. But what do you do? You don't pray in your closet. You don't read the Bible in your closet. You seek these men, who think that they know the Bible, and you run after them. Do you remember in the Bible when I told you that there are going to be the blind that run after the blind, and the two of them are going to fall into the pit. You believe that the Word is going to be hard when it is given to you. But I tell you, and I tell you, but you have a lot of laziness; and it is much easier to take the word of man and what he believes the Word of God says. But the fault is going to be yours, because I tell you this minute and I have told you in the Bible, and you don't do what I say to you. That's why you are going to suffer.

Here comes the man, who is going to run the world, with the hand of iron. And this hand is going to take you by the throat; and if it doesn't cut your head off, he is going to strangle you with the same hand - for he has the heart of the devil. Right now, these Words are only Words and you are going to want to play church with these Words, but everything is going to be different - the day that he has his hand of iron around your neck. Let's see if then you are going to want to play church. Oh, then - you are going to seek Me out.

But let's see if these men, who showed you the Bible in the manner of man, are going to help you. I tell you CLEARLY AND I TELL YOU TO THE POINT: get into your closet and READ THE BIBLE, and Pray until you cry with the Tears of God. It is much easier to cry in the closet - you alone with the Bible, than to cry with the hand of iron around your neck. But you have to choose the manner you want to cry. I am telling you Clearly and to the Point, Eye to eye: that is what's going to happen, if you do not hear Me.

I know where they are, My Prophecies - every letter, every page. I know who has read and who hasn't read the Word of God. I know the ones who are going to get mad; and what they want to do with My Reymundo. They are going to want to put their hands around his neck. But remember - if you believe you can beat (win) God, the one who made Heaven, the world, - give it a try, but I know who is going to win. I am putting Reymundo in a place he doesn't want to be, for there are many who are going to get mad at him. But I tell you the Truth: the Word is not his. The Word is Mine!

But everyone who has carried the Word of God in their heart and have walked in the manner of God, have suffered. But if you haven't read the Bible, you don't know this; and it is hard for My Reymundo to send the Words of God. There are many who believe he is just writing all night and seeking ways to write, but My little son doesn't have the brains. His fingers are wearing out, but you're not going stop him, for We still have work to do!

All the Christians believe that all of God is easy - that it is not going to cost you a thing. I am going to awaken you, for the Cross that you have to carry is going to become heavy; and you are going to have to carry it - running - because the man, with the hand of iron, is going to run after you. Remember - I protect what is Mine. Remember! I will tell you once more - I protect what is Mine! But if you don't read the Bible, HOW can you belong to Me - if you don't know your Father with your spirit, with the Word of God?

There are many who believe Me with their heart, and they don't have Bibles - with those, I am going to treat differently. And they are going to have a different chance than those who have Bibles, for I read the heart - the one you have in your spirit. But, if you have the Bible and if you read it - you know Me, for your spirit is going to burn with every Word that you read; for I am going to open your ears and your eyes with the Force of the Holy Spirit. But remember - if you don't know My Son, Jesus - you don't know Me and you cannot come with Me. If you have the key, put it in the lock - for the Lock is My Son. He opens all with the Force of God. The Lock and the key are of God. Remember, you cannot find Me if you don't know My Son, Jesus. But everything is in the Bible!

Here comes the time where many are going to leave the Body of My Son - for they are not strong. And the man, with the hand of iron, is going to frighten them; and he is going to change them. But, I tell you exactly that - if you have the faith and the heart of God, I will save you! And it is not important what happens, for I can kill the spirit and the body. Remember those two things: the man can kill your body, but I can stop your spirit. I can place you in a pit with the Force of God. And I will tell you once more: These are only Words, but there is going to come a day, that it is going to happen. I want to frighten you with the Love of God, for I Love you with ALL that there is from Heaven. But you say to yourself: what kind of Love is this - that you frighten me? But the day that the man comes with the hand of iron, you are going to find out that your God Loved you. That's why I tell you before it happens - so you could make yourself strong. The Love of Love is your Father with the Son, Jesus, with the Force of the Holy Spirit. ALL that I tell you with My Prophet, Reymundo is the TRUTH!

How amusing, the things that are going to happen, for all of it is in the Bible and you did not read it. Remember the manner of God is not the manner of man. Sometimes, because you do not understand the Words, the manners: it isn't because it isn't God - it's because you are not Mine, you are of the devil - for all the things of the devil are blind. That's why? They fall into the pit - for they don't know where they are walking.

Hurry! Do what I have told you. Go into your closet and read your Bible with the Tears of God, with the Heart of God, with all that you have - and the Holy Spirit will give you the Force. He will give you the Love. He will show you My Son, Jesus; and in that way you will find Me, your Father - the One who made ALL with the Word, with the Holy Spirit. I am. I am. I am. (over)


958. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 1 September 1996 at 4:33 PM. in Spanish.

It is over there. The star of God is over there. It is over there, but you have to arm yourself. Arm yourself! Arm yourself with the Word of God, for the corral has arrived - the corral that the devil is going to use. I tell you the Truth and all to the Point - the corral of the devil is already here! The soldiers and all that is bad and filthy are going to arrive, but the star of God is going to arrive too. You believe it is the Star of Christ, but it is not - it is the star of the world. Yes, the star of the world. Yes, it is the star of the devil! That's why, you have to read the Bible. That's why, you have to seek out your sons and daughters, and your brothers and sisters of Christ - for the devil has the corral READY!

He is going to seek you out, for he is angry. He is angry because the day has arrived - the day I am going to lock him up. Did you hear Me? Yes, look for the turned star. Yes, the turned star will tell you that it has arrived - the corral of the devil. That's all that I want to tell you.

Read the Bible from the first page through the last page. Yes! This is your Father with the Son, with the Holy Spirit, telling you the Wisdom from Heaven. Point your nose into the Bible. How many times do I have to tell you? You are going to suffer if you do not know the Bible - you are going to suffer! The world is going to fall with the force of the devil. And it is there in front of your nose, all that I have told you - but if you are not walking in the Spirit, you are not going to know the things of God. (over)


976. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 10 October 1996 at 12 AM.

Oh bear. There is the bear with his pointed teeth, seeking something to eat. Remember that I told you to read the Bible. Why didn't you pick it up? And why didn't you read it? I tell you about the bear with his pointed teeth, who is there in front of your face. And I tell you to read the Bible, and you just do the things you want to do, and you do not hear Me. Those teeth are going to eat you. For you didn't do what I have told you, in the manner of God.

How many times have I told you to pray? How many times have I told you to seek your brothers and sisters in the streets? How many times have I told you to repent your sins? How many times? How many times do I have to tell you? The bear is going to eat you, because you have your fingers in your ears. And the day is going to come, when you are going to cry, and you are going to seek Me. Then I will get your attention. But I am not going to hear you. I am going to do the same thing you are doing now. I am going to place My fingers in My ears.

You believe these Words are hard. You believe I am playing A GAME! This is your GOD, the One who is giving you these Words. I tell you with LOVE, and I will correct you with LOVE, but what I say will happen. And if you still don't pick up that Bible and seek the manner of God, you are going to find the manner of God when the bear cleans your face with his tongue, before he bites you. I know that I have gotten you attention now.

I tell you these things so you will open your eyes, and to awaken your spirit. If you could only see all the dark spirits around you - you would seek Me in a hurry and you wouldn't wait. But I can see them. But how can you see? You don't even believe in dark spirits, for you are walking with them hand and hand. They are your friends. And the ones who go to church, they believe they are so great! There they walk in church, hand and hand with the dark spirits. I know they also are not going to like this Word, for they believe they are so great. They do not believe they can do wrong. They like to look down at people with their eyes; like they are god. They're sitting in the middle of devils. Oh - Oh - Oh!

You have to read the Bible in the manner of God. You believe that the brothers and sisters (the disciples) that found Christ had parties and parties after I took Him up. Do you believe that they sought money? Do you believe they were playing a game? They killed them (the disciples) with the Lions; and they didn't eat because they were praying until tears came out of their eyes. And when they gathered, they prayed with the HEART of God. They didn't seek anything - ONLY the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. They weren't perfect, but they knew Me.

Well, I feel very sorry for you people. The ones who know Me seek God in the manner of man; and the ones who do not know Me - they do not care about the things of God. I know for I read their hearts. You have to stop playing church. And pray, and repent. Eat the Communion. Did you hear Me? This is your Father with the Son, with the Holy Spirit telling you the manner of God. (over)

1332. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 13 May 1999 at 3:55 PM. in English.

The purity of the Body still remains with those who read the Bible from the beginning to the end with the Power of the Holy Spirit working in union with the spirit of each little sheep, each little lamb. The Truth will manifest itself through this union, through the connection with God. Teachers are fine, but most are corrupt. You have to learn to pray, to pray and to pray. Trust in the Holy Spirit to direct you, to point you to Jesus Christ of Nazareth. In that way you will find the Father, Me.

We have to bypass the leadership, with the Power of the Holy Spirit - this will be done, through the reading of the Bible from cover to cover, through prayer, through Communion, through the Love of Jehovah, through the Love of Jesus Christ, through the Love of the Holy Spirit. For that is where the POWER is! Nowhere else. Everything else either works with Me or against Me. It is as simple as that! Don’t get anxious. Be patient. Trust and have faith. For the Mercy of God is always there. Repent your sins. Read the Bible. Pray and move on.

I understand the burdens that you have. I understand the burdens of the world, but the things that are Mine will be saved, and the things that are not Mine will be swiped away. Remember My Words! For I do not Lie! The things of Jesus Christ, the things of the Holy Spirit, the things of Jehovah, will endure forever and ever and ever. But you have to focus yourself. You have to concentrate on the things of God. For the things of this world come and go. Friends come and go. Wives come and go. Family members come and go. Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, Jehovah will always be there! Have always been there! And will always be there!

Remember My Words - Read the Bible from cover to cover, pray. For the Love of Jesus - For the Love of the Holy Spirit - For the Love of Jehovah is always there. We hear your tears. We will Protect you through those times that you do not understand, but you must trust, you must have faith. Oh! - by the way - you must work also. Don’t sit there and do nothing. Do not rely on your faith to see you through these hard times. Faith is fine - but faith is dead without works! Remember My Words. This is Jehovah. This is Jehovah. This is Jehovah. (over)


1571. Prophecy and Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 6 January 2001 at 8:15 AM.


Beware My Children, there will come a day, when you will not be able to buy Bibles or Prophecies Books. For the end will come swiftly. The beast is ready. My Angels are ready. Remember the dates and the numbers. I have been telling you through Reymundo, for almost 12 years now, and many are beginning to see the pattern of Jehovah. This is right and true. My Seed will spread, but the devil's seed is stronger in numbers. But the Power and Love rest in Jehovah. This is what I want you to do! I want you to buy yourself a bible if you do not have one, and read it until you know it well. Also download all the prophecies from Reymundo's web sites. He will instruct you where to do this or buy the prophecies books. You still have time, but all of this information will be stopped at one point in time, and you will have to go into hiding with others. This is no game or joke. For the Antichrist is going to destroy the places they manufacture Bibles and Christian literature. He will also try to burn all other material he can find. Mark My Words, this will happen with vengeance. My Peace I give you, but there are certain things that must happen first. So be it! So be it! So be it!


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